Winning the T20 World Cup in the West Indies and U.S.A. will require a well-rounded strategy, also taking into consideration various factors pertaining to the various venues. We have seen thus far that high scores in excess of 200 is clearly not on the cards. Aiming too high on these pitches will be detrimental. Let’s take a look at some key factors. Continue reading “What will it take to win the 2024 World T20 Cup?”
Virat Kohli
A Time to Rejuvenate
Unfortunately the Covid-19 pandemic has halted all sports Worldwide. Nobody knows when it’s going to end and recommence Cricket as well. What can a sportsman or sportswoman do in such a circumstance? One can ponder though, that this may give someone a chance to rejuvenate and refocus somewhat. Continue reading “A Time to Rejuvenate”
Cricket’s Newest Format: The Hundred
In the 21st century thus far, we have seen the likes of T20 cricket successfully developing globally. With T20 leagues mushrooming all over the World, the modern cricketer has a loving relationship with this form of the game. In the summer of 2020, Cricket’s latest form of the game is set to be launched. It’s called The Hundred and is set to debut in the motherland of Cricket, good ole England. Continue reading “Cricket’s Newest Format: The Hundred”
Test Cricket…….the “ole” gentleman’s game. Five days consisting of three sessions per day where batsmen toil playing each ball on its merit. However in these modern times where we live in a fast-paced World, it’s all about making money and another form of cricket has been formed. T10, where bowlers are asked to bowl not more than 2 overs in a complete spell and batsmen take advantage of these 10 overs per side by belting the ball to all parts of the ground. One has to wonder with the newest form of the game formulated, would test cricket even have a chance of surviving in the future? Continue reading “TEST CRICKET VS T10”